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Workshops are Kristina’s favorite format for teaching. They include all the exciting and inspiring information from her keynote speeches but with time for tailored group activities and same-day practice applying the lessons to real work. There is a particular brand of magic and transformation that happens when students are able to apply what they learned the very same day.

Productivity Workshop

This workshop includes a morning session with the “Work Happier Not Harder” lecture (see keynote page), group activities, and time for Q&A tailored to the work and struggles of the audience. The afternoon is set aside for up to six one-on-one coaching sessions (20-minute slots work well) for those interested in individual support prioritizing tasks, streamlining email, or organizing their physical space.

Communication Workshop

This workshop includes a morning trio of lectures on storytelling, brain biases, and professional writing skills along with group activities and time for Q&A tailored to the work and struggles of the audience. The afternoon is set aside for up to four one-on-one coaching sessions (30-minute slots work well) for those interested in help revising a document or presentation.

​Workshop Fee. $5,000 per workshop plus travel expenses.

Workshops: Speaking
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